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              ilk cagda CYSSUS adiyla bilinen Cesme, Anadolu'nun bati kiyisinda M.1000 yillarinda tahmin edilen 12 iyonya kentinden biri olan Erythrai (ERiTRE)'nin Ildir iskelesiydi. Bu nedenle Cesme'nin tarihi ile bir arada ele alinmasi gerekir. Bugun arkeolojik ve turistik yonden buyuk onem tasiyan ERiTRAi ,M.O  7. ve 8. Yuzyillarda buyuk bir iktisadi guce sahip olmustur.Bu donemde kent,Dogu Akdeniz ve ozellikle Kibris ile ticari iliskilerde bulunuyor ve (CHIOS) -SAKIZ adasi ile birlikte esir ve arap ticaretini elinde tutuyordu.
M.O   2.yuzyilda kent , Bergama kralligina ,daha sonra da Roma imparatorluguna baglanmistir. Romalilar zamaninda Cesme yoresi CYSSUS adini almistir.Roma imparatorlugu ikiye bolununce Bizans topraklarinda kalan ERiTRAi, onemini kaybetmis, ozellikle Put'a ve cok Tanrili dinlere karsi olan inancin guclendigi donemde,kentteki antik yapilarin cogu yikilip yakilmistir. Ortacagda Bizans imparatorlugu'na bagli olan ERiTRAi ve Cesme Yoresi ilk olarak CAKA BEY zamaninda Turklerin eline gecmistir. M.S. 1081 de Birinci Kilicaslanin kayinbabasi CAKA BEY tarafindan Selcuklular devrinde KLOZEMENE Yarimadasi ele gecirilmistir. Osmanlilar zamaninda Yildirim Beyazit tarafindan yeniden Osmanli imparatorlugu'na baglanan kent 1402 Ankara Savasindan sonra Timur tarafindan tekrar Aydinogullarina baglanmis,1422 yilinda yeniden Osmanlilara gecmistir. Birinci Dunya Savasindan sonra yurdumuzun paylasilmasiyla Cesme Yunanlilar tarafindan isgal edilmis,fakat Kurtulus Savasi'nda,Fahrettin Altay Pasa birlikleri tarafindan,16 Eylul 1922'de dusman isgalinden kurtarilmistir. ilcenin adindan da anlasilacagi gibi bircok tarihi cesmeyi bunyesinde barindirmaktadir.
               CAKA BEY
: ........... 1071 yilinda Anandolu`yu yurt haline getirme girisimlerine baslayan Turkmen Beylerinden olan CAKA BEY . Bati Anadolu`nun fethi sirasinda 1078-1081 yillari arasinda, Bizans Komutanlarindan Kabalika Alexandros ile yaptigi muharebede yenik dusmustur. Alexandros esir aldigi bu buyuk kumandanin zekasina ve cesaretine hayran olmus, kendisini imparator BATANCIATES`in sarayina gondermistir. Caka Bey`in saygideger ve kibar bir soydan oldugu, tavir ve hareketlerinden anlasilmaktaydi. Bu imparatorun dikkatini cekmis ve ona diger esirlerinden farkli olarak cok ozel bazi haklar tanimistir. 1081 yilinda Bizans imparatorlugu`na Aleksios 1.in gecmesi uzerine eski durumu sarsilan Caka Bey, saraydan kacarak Ege sahillerine yerlesmis ve kuvvetli bir ordu kurmustur. Caka Bey daha sonra izmir`i fethetmis ve bir muddet sonra da burada beyligini kurmustur. Sarayda bulundugu surede, ic Anadolu`nun diger Turk Beyliklerince isgal edildigini ogrenen Caka Bey, Ege adalari dahil olmak uzere, beyligini genisletmeye karar vermistir. Boylece ilk Turk donanmasini kurmustur. Donanmayi ilk ele gecirdigi sehir Foca`dir. Daha sonra sirasiyla Midilli ve Sakiz adalari ele gecirilmistir. Bu arada Bizans imparatorlugu, vakit gecirmeden donanmasini Caka Bey`in uzerine yollamis ve tarihe Turklerin yaptigi ilk deniz muharebesi olarak gecen bu savasi buyuk komutan zaferle noktalamistir. Tarihe "Koyun Adalari Deniz Savasi" olarak gecen bu savasi, ayni zamanda ilk deniz savasi taktiginin uygulandigi bir savastir. Artik Caka Bey, bazi onemli adalari, izmir`den Canakkale'ye kadar olan yerleri Bizans'in Trakya kismini ele geirecekti. Bunun uzerine buyuk bir donanma meydana getiren Caka Bey, ilk etapta Edremit`i ve Canakkale bolgesini ele gecirmis, bu suretle Bogaz bolgesine hakim olarak karsi yakaya gecmeyi ve Trakya`yi ele gecirerek istanbul`u fethetmeyi tasarlamisti. Bu tehlike karsisinda Bizans imparatoru iznik Beyi Kilic Aslan`la bir anlasma yaparak denizden ve karadan Caka Bey`in elinde bulunan Abydos`u kusatti. Damadi olan Kilic Aslan`in bu ihanetini hic beklemeyen Caka Bey, Kilic Aslan`la anlasmayi savastan daha mantikli buldu ve gorusme istegi Kilic Aslan tarafindan kabul edildi. Anlasma gerceklesti, ancak aksam, serefine verilen ziyafette asiri alkol almaya tesvik edilen Caka Bey, bir gaflet aninda Kilic Aslan tarafindan olduruldu.
                    CEZAYiRLi HASAN PASA
........... Hasan Pasa 1720`de Gelibolu`da dogdu. Gelibolulu tuccar Haci Muhammed Efendi`nin kolesi idi. Sonradan efendisi tarafindan azat edilen Hasan Pasa, onun verdigi bir miktar sermaye ile, yigitlerin sohretini duydugu Cezayir`e gitmek icin yola cikmis, ancak yolda gemileri yabanci bir gemiye rampa edince Hasan Pasa, cok genc olmasina ragmen dusman gemisine sicrayip buyuk bir cesaretle cenge katilmisti. Geminin murettebatindan on bes kadarini tek basina oldurdukten sonra, digerlerini geminin ambar ve kamarasina kapatarak gemiyi ele gecirmisti. Hasan Pasa`nin bu cesareti o zamanin Cezayir dayisi tarafindan pek takdir edildiginden, gemi kendisine verilerek Dayilar arasina katilmistir. Kisa zamanda sohrete ulasarak Tlemsen Beyi olan Hasan Pasa, Cezayir`deki dayilarin hasetligine maruz kalip, hayati tehlikeye dustugunden ispanya`ya gecmistir. Oradan da istanbul`a gecmistir. Hasan Pasa, Cezayir`e gitmeden once yeniceri ocagina yazilmis ve Belgrad seferinde buyuk basarilar gostermistir. Kendisi denizciligi ile meshur oldugundan kaptanlar sinifina alinarak, bir de gemi verilmistir. 1770`de
MR- iMRANLIK payesi verilerek kaptan olmus ve Limni adasini Hiristiyanlardan alip "GAZi" unvanini almistir. Ayni sene icinde vezir olan Hasan Pasa, Kaptan-i Derya tayin olmustur. Daha sonra bogaz muhafizi, sonrada Anadolu eyaleti ve Rusuk Seraskeri oldu. 1786`da Sadaret kaymakami olan Hasan Pasa, iki sene sonra Kaptan-i Deryaliktan azledildi. Hasan Pasa Kaptan-i Derya oldugu senelerde 1768 Turk-Rus harbi bas gostermisti. Ruslarin Akdeniz'e gonderdikleri Baltik donanmasi once Osmanli donanmasiyla carpismis, ama bu carpismada kesin sonuc alinamamisti. Ege kiyilarina yakin KOYUN Adalari civarinda yapilan ikinci bir savasta asil muharebe Hasan Pasa`nin kalyonu ile Rus Amirali Sipiridov`un gemisi arasinda olmustur. Hasan Pasa ile otuz kadar yigit Rus gemisine gecmistir. Dusman gemisinde yapilan kahramanca carpisma esnasinda yaralanan Hasan Pasa, tekrar kendi gemisine gemistir. Bu beklenmeyen baskin ile saskina donen Moskoflar telasa kapilarak kendi cephaneliklerini ateslemisler, ates Turk gemisine de sicrayinca her iki gemi de yanmaya baslamisti. Turk yigitleri de kiyidan gonderilen bir kayikla kurtarilmislardi. Hasan Pasa`ya gosterdigi kahramanlik sebebiyle kendisine Kaptanlik ve Beylerbeyligi verilmistir. Hasan Pasa`nin ikinci Kaptan-i Deryaligi 15 yil surdu. Bu sure icinde pek buyuk hizmetlerde bulunan Hasan Pasa, Suriye ve Irak`ta bas gosteren Tahir merc isyanini bastirmis, daha sonra 1787 Rus-Avusturya harbinde Yilan Adasi savasina katilip, Rus donanmasini maglup etmistir. Ertesi yil ismail onunde de Ruslari hezimete ugratarak basari kazanmis, bu basarisi uzerine Sadrazamlik payesi verilmistir. Hasan Pasa`nin bu grevi 3 ay surmustur; 1790 senesinde vefat etmistir. Hasan Pasa, yuruttugu devlet hizmetleri yaninda bircok hayir eserleri de birakmistir. istanbul tersanesinde bir kisla yaptiran Hasan Pasa, Midilli`ye cesmeler yaptirdi. Bakla`da yine cesme, Vizne`de cami, hamam ve cesme, Midilli`de Pasa kosku ve buyuk mermer havuz ve Limni, Sakiz, istankoy adalarinda cesmeler yaptirdi. Hasan Pasa`nin en buyuk ozelligi, kendisine alistirdigi bir aslani daima yaninda gezdirmesiydi.

             NiSAN BALIGI
:........... Nisan yapacak olan oglan evi tarafindan buyuk bir balik avlanir.Bu balik iri bir cipura, sinarit veya levrek olabilir.Balik oglan evi tarafindan suslenir,baligin ustne parlak kartlarla kiz ve oglanin isimlerinin bas harfleri cesitli motiflerle islenir.Suslenen balik bir tepsiye konur torenle kiz evine gonderilir.Kiz evi de bunu pisirir ve bir parcasini oglan evine gonderir.
:........... Nisanlanan kiz evi tarafindan yapilir.Un kurabiyesine benzeyen,fakat cok zahmetli olan ve pahaliya mal olan seker isi, nisanda ve nisandan sonra, once oglan evine,sonra tebrige gelen misafirlere ikram edilir. seker evinin guzel olmasi kiz evinin ovunc kaynagidir.
           TESTi KIRMA
: .......... Eskiden dugunlerde,sunnetlerde oynayan kisinin serefine yere vurularak testi kirilirdi.Cesme'de ozel olarak testi satan dukkanlar mevcuttu.Bir kisi oynarken kirilan testinin fazlaligi,o kisinin itibarini ve oyun gucun gosterirdi.
         BAZiNA :........... Yaz gunleri tutun kirimlarindan sonra aileler tarafindan duzenlenen yemek solenidir.Davetliler bu davete tahta kasiklarini alarak giderler.Hamur isi,bamya,kiyma ile yapilan bu ozel yemek yendikten sonra,baska bir Bazina gunu icin tarih tespit edilir.
            You find the Cesme peninsular at the most western point and way down the Aegean coast of Turkey. It is less than 1 Hours drive from the City of Izmir and Adanan Menderes International Airport. [link to map]
             Cesme is renowned for Blue Seas and golden beaches, [link to beaches], which range from crowded to secluded. There are about 20 of them spread around the peninsular so transport is necessary to get to a lot of them. One choice is to use the public Dolmus (Mini bus) service or take Taxi, you can also hire a Car or Motorcycle for the day and explore the peninsular at your own pace and convenience.
            Cesme town itself is a compact and bustling collection of Souvenir, Leather, Carpet, Clothing, Footwear and Jewelry stores punctuated by Bars, Discos Bistros, Restaurants, Coffeehouses and Ice Cream stalls. There are also a fair number of Pharmacies (Eczani) around so you can take on extra supplies of Sun Tan oils or After Sun balm in case you overdo it in the first few days of your vacation.
           The central waterfront stretches from the yacht harbor to the south and a public beach to the north with the Castle taking center stage. It is mainly a collection of hostelries and Travel Agencies but you also find there the PTT, the Tourist Information Center, the Ferry Port for day trips to the island of Chios and in case of Emergency a Tourist Police Station.
           A casual visitor should have little trouble finding accommodation, Cesme boasts over 10,000 Tourist hotel beds, ranging from small and friendly Pensions to 5* Luxury Hotels or Holiday Villages, something to match every budget. One good starting point is the Tourist Information Center another is to surf inside this site and work out your own arrangements. There are plenty of Travel Agencies around ready to help and of course the ubiquitous Taxi drivers who will always Have a friend. For the really adventurous ones amongst you, the, walk the streets and ask, method works well too.

           The esme Peninsula, lapped by the waters of the Aegean Sea, lies west of Izmir, in Turkey. esme, meaning fountain, derives from the many sources of water found in the area. It is one of Turkey's most beautiful stretches, surrounded by clear blue seas, with landscapes of cultivated fields of aniseed, sesame and artichokes dotted with fig and gum trees. In the unspoilt bays you can swim in absolute peace. Visitors will find excellent holiday accommodations, restaurants and sports and entertainment facilities. It is possible also to get to Greek island Chios (Sakiz) with regular daily ferries. esme has an international harbor linked to Izmir with a superb highway (80kms).                 
             Cesme was captured from the Byzantines by a Seljuk Turkish force under Caka Bey in the  11th century. With the decline of the Seljuks in the 13th century it became part of the Aydinogullari principality, which used esme as a naval base. The Ottoman sultan Yildirim Bayezit (1389-1402) captured esme, but after this rulers defeat at the hands of Timur the town was returned to the Aydinogullari, finally being recaptured by Bayezits son Mehmed I (1413-1421).
             A 14th century Genoese fortress, restored and enlarged by the Ottomans in the 16th century, dominates the small port of esme and now houses a weapons museum. Today, the town is a popular holiday resort with good accommodations and restaurants. The 16th century caravanserai near the fortress, kz Mehmet Pasa Kervansaray, built by Sleyman the Magnificent, has been converted into a hotel. It's a a solid stone building in good repair whose central courtyard is cool even in the hottest weather. Before the rise of Izmir, esme was the regions major port, and this kervansaray marked the end of the road for the caravans who plodded their weary way across Anatolia from Central Asia and the Middle East. Here the goods were unloaded from the camels for export to Europe by ship through the Aegean and Mediterranean. The Church of Agios Haralambos has been restored as an art gallery. Thermal baths offer a health centered escape from modern life. At night a lively, fun atmosphere pervades, especially in the restaurants, cafes, bars and discos along the promenade. Yachts can be hired to explore the peninsula's splendid coastline. esme hosts an annual International Song Contest in July, one of the most important festivals in Turkey. esme is also famous for its mastic flavoured ice-cream and mouth watering toasted sandwiches. Above all it is esme's beaches, the longest on the Aegean coast, and turquoise sea which bring holidaymakers back here again and again.
              The very popular holiday center of Ilica boasts an excellent white sand beach and the outstanding facilities of the Altin Yunus Marina and Holiday Complex. The bay here is ideal for water sports, especially windsurfing and sailing; there is even an International Windsurfing Race held every year in esme and Alaati, apart from Bodrum. The thermal baths around Ilica are very popular; the best being located on Sifne Bay. In 146 AD the Greek geographer Pausanius described these mineral springs as the sea springs and claimed that their therapeutic effects were superior to any other spa in Ionia. They relieve rheumatism, inflammation of the joints, partial paralysis, digestive complaints, and infections of the spine marrow. Pasa Limani has a camp site which offers campers comfortable facilities. Every July on Ilica Bay, the colorful International akabey Optimist Yacht race is held.
               Ildiri, a quiet seaside village 20 km. northeast of esme, was ancient Erythrai which emerges on the stage of history in 3000 BC. Excavations here have shown that the site has been settled since the early bronze age, and as a result the area around the village of Ildiri has been declared a national heritage site. The walls around the ancient city are still standing, and Hellenistic period floor mosaics of exceptional beauty can still be seen in one of the buildings. Excavations have also revealed a temple of Athena. Statues, jewellery and other finds from the city are exhibited in Izmir Museum.Those who climb up to the Acropolis at dusk are rewarded with beautiful views as the sun sinks over the bay and islands.
                Nearby is Gerence Gulf, a pristine inlet on the northeast esme peninsula which can be reached by yacht or car. The natural surroundings offer relaxation while the bay is ideal for water sports.
               Dalyan, a fishing village, built on a sheltered deep water inlet just north of esme, has some of the region's best fish restaurants which border the quay of the lively marina.
               Tourist are attracted by iftlik's many accommodations and by a long, sandy beach (Pirlanta Plaj) just outside of town to the southwest. Camping facilities are available to the south and nearby stretches one of the area's best beaches, the Altinkum Plaj (Golden Beach).
               Windmills, some of which have been converted into attractive restaurants, dot the hill above Alaati, a delightful and typical Aegean town. Alaati lies to the south inland from Ilica and the coast; a couple of kilometers to the south is a good beach. Many lovely bays, accessible only by yacht, stretch along the coast southeast of the town and ensure peaceful and relaxing anchorages in this popular sailing region. The sea at Alaati has ideal conditions for windsurfing since it is exposed to high winds. There is a windsurfing school on the quay here which holds courses for beginners. ark Beach is a favourite with families with young children because the sea is shallow.
             Known in ancient times as Clazomenae, Urla Iskelesi offers a marina as well as plentiful accommodations in all price ranges. Restaurants on the top of Gvendik hill afford a marvellous view of the bay and its islands.
             The prosperous little fishing village of esmealti is notable for its simple yet excellent fish restaurants.
             As you drive along the panoramic Karaburun peninsula coast road, you pass several peaceful bays and quaint fishing villages, Balikliova, Mordogan and Karaburun. At Karaburun, pleasant hotels, tea gardens and fish restaurants sit between the beautiful mountain backdrop and the clear, clean water. From Manastir Mountain you can enjoy an unforgettable view of the Karaburun coast, the Foa coastline opposite and the entrance of the Gulf of Izmir. If you are lucky, you can spot Mediterranean Seals swimming in the water.
             On the southern side of the esme peninsula near the town of Seferihisar is the small picturesque marina of Sigacik. This important yachting center is surrounded by fortifications dating from the Genoese period and is a good point from which to visit the Temple of Dionysus at the antique site of Teos as well as the lovely Akkum beach.
            Gumuldur has good tourist facilities, beautiful beaches, restaurants and hotels. Nearby at Ahmetbeyli (Claros) to the east, stand the Apollon Temple and the remains of the colossal statue of Apollo; here you can also enjoy a good fish meal, try Turkish food or a swim at the town's wide beach. A winding panoramic coastal road leads from Ahmetbeyli south to Pamucak beach near Kusadasi.


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